Using Video for Instructional Coaching to Evaluation

Change the status quo on how educator feedback, collaboration, instructional coaching, and evaluation are done in your school or district—and experience growth that matters.

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Leadership at MSD Decatur Township gave teachers ownership over the instructional coaching and evaluation processes by utilizing video and the Teaching Channel Platform.


Obstacle: Coaching and Evaluating Remotely During the Pandemic

When our district pivoted to remote teaching in March of 2020, just like other districts across the country, we were worried about how we would carry on with our instructional coaching program and teacher evaluations. At MSD Decatur Township, consistent and effective teacher development is a priority for us, so halting our programs, even during a global pandemic, was not an option.

Solution: Submitting Classroom Videos of Choice For Evaluation

When we started using the Teaching Channel Platform five years ago, there was a bit of hesitation when it came to the video. You’re asking teachers to put themselves in a vulnerable position by recording their practice.

We started out slowly with video coaching and began learning the ins and outs of the program by asking teachers to submit 10-minute clips of themselves teaching, along with a bit of self-reflection about the clip. Before we knew it, some of our teachers, and even entire schools, really dove in and started recording and sharing a lot of videos. Soon we were really seeing the value in helping teachers improve their practice through video by way of the Teaching Channel Platform.

“The platform kept us connected when our world felt so disconnected.”

Juguemos Spanish Classroom Games

Impact: Video Empowers Teachers to Take Ownership of the Evaluation Process

Our teachers’ union has been very supportive of our use of video for instructional coaching from the beginning. This helped contribute to having their buy-in when we decided to pivot to virtual evaluations. Allowing our teachers to select the videos they are being evaluated on provides them with ownership over what normally can be a very stressful process. In fact, conducting virtual evaluations has been the preference for our teachers, so even now that we are back in the classroom, we are continuing to do our evaluations virtually.

*Watch this webinar recording to see Dr. Stephanie Hofer talk about her district’s five-year journey with video.

When the pandemic struck, utilizing the platform for teacher evaluations was an obvious short- and long-term solution for us. We met with the teachers union and told them we had this platform that had been delivering great value for us and would allow us to maintain some sense of normalcy at a time when it felt like everything was so chaotic.

Hear From the Educators

Learn how the platform is helping the educators of MSD Decatur Township develop in a variety of ways.

Ally Fischer Teacher at Valley Mills Elementary - MSD Decatur video thumbnail

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Through the platform, use recorded video to immediately reflect on instructional practices.

Peer-to-Peer Collaboration

Through the platform, use recorded video to quickly share and collaborate on instructional practices with colleagues in professional learning communities (PLCs).


Through the platform, record video to provide actionable content-specific feedback on video-based lessons to inspire and support professional growth.

Observer Calibration

Through the platform improve inter-rater reliability among your observers for accurate and valid teacher observations.

Teacher Observation & Evaluation

Through the platform create and provide detailed and meaningful feedback reports for formal and informal observations.

Educator Training

Create training experiences for dynamic and on-demand learning for teachers, observers, coaches and school leaders.

Evaluation Management

Configure summative evaluation systems and manage internal and imported data, generating final reports at the teacher, school, or district level.