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Course 5314

Making Mistakes Meaningful for Students AND Teachers

Goals and Objectives of this Course:

  • Use prompts about making mistakes and taking risks, to describe assumptions and insights of practitioners, researchers and self, including how the information relates to professional education practice and growth.
  • Develop a lesson plan or conduct a personal analysis about ways to grow and innovate after making mistakes.
  • Collaborate with colleagues or create an activity for students to collaborate on the correlation between self-care and bandwidth to take risks.
  • Analyze the relationship between fear and risk-taking to help students and educators deconstruct their potential bias against making mistakes.
  • Design an action plan to avoid “zero-fail” mistakes in your teaching practice.
  • Challenge the status quo by identifying commonplace mistakes at the school policy level and in your own teaching.
  • Implement mistake-making into your curriculum by adapting lesson plans and developing a protocol for making mistakes.


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