Salary Calculator

How Can a Lane Change Help You Earn More?

The sooner you earn credits, the greater your lifetime earnings.

As an educator, you know the intrinsic rewards of continual learning. And no doubt you know the financial rewards, too. But here’s one thing we’ve learned as a provider of graduate-level, continuing education: not all teachers realize how much money they leave on the table when they delay accruing credits. 

Locate your salary schedule, which can be found in your district contract, and then use this tool to calculate the return on your education investment. This accounts for your salary gains only. You might also receive a greater pension in retirement.

Pay as You Learn with Course Bundles

Whether you want to advance your salary, obtain a master’s or doctoral degree or renew your license, this is a great opportunity to achieve your goals at a lower cost. Even better, utilize our 12 month Pay-As-You-Learn payment plan. 

Customize and pre-plan your learning journey with a Teaching Channel Bundle registration. Select your courses over 12 months providing ample time for course completion while locking in amazing pricing!

2-Course Bundle

Choose two 3-credit graduate-level, continuing education courses and save $54. You also have the option to apply these 6 credits to an advanced degree when you choose American College of Education as your university partner. Perfect for those looking for a 12 month payment plan.

ACE 3-Course Bundle

Save $207 when you choose three 3-credit graduate-level continuing education courses. Pick your own courses or opt for one of our pre-selected Certificate Bundles. Apply these 9 credits to an American College of Education advanced degree. Plus, spread your payments out over 12 months.

5-Course Lane Change Bundle

Choose five 3-credit graduate-level, continuing education courses and save up to $405 while working toward a lane change and salary advancement. Plus, you can choose from select university partners and spread your payments out over 12 months.

10-Course Double Lane Change Bundle

Choose ten 3-credit graduate-level, continuing education courses and save up to $810. Many districts award a lane change after 15 credits and some after 30. When you select a 10-course bundle, you'll complete 30 credits of great learning and earn more money annually and over the course of your career.