In this thought-provoking video, Professional Learning Specialist Betsy Butler sits down with Dr. Michael Moody, the Chief Strategy Officer of Teaching Channel and Co-Founder of Insight Education Group, to talk about his experience as a teacher, instructional coach, and facilitator. As Betsy and Dr. Moody delve into the world of professional development (PD), they share valuable insights and perspectives on transformative PD strategies and tips for facilitators to effectively engage others. This conversation reflects on topics of inclusion, power differentials, and tips for success, building on learning from, 7 Habits that Transform Professional Development, by Elena Aguilar and Lori Cohen. It’s a perfect companion to course 5276: Creating Transformative Professional Development.
A Moment to Stand Still and Reflect on the Year
The darkest part of the year is here. As I write this, at almost 3pm CST in December, holiday lights are popping on as daylight