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September 14, 2023

3 Ways for Teachers (and Coaches) to Improve Their Practice Using Video

When you are using video as a component of instructional coaching, it is the instructional leader’s job to help teachers take their learning from video and dialogue to a plan that ensures teachers embed the new and improved practices into their instruction. The questions below are designed to engage in this type of coaching conversation with teachers, read them here or download them as a PDF to share with your colleagues and include in your coaching practice.

Document Transcript:

Method 1: Focus on the Student and Learning

  • What have you done well in this video to facilitate student learning?
  • What instructional methods don’t seem to be working for students?
  • What evidence is there of student learning? Of student struggles?
  • How might your students have interpreted the information you shared?
  • What else could you have done to ensure the student meets the learning objective?
  • How will you integrate this new learning into your professional practice?
  • As your coach, how can I support you as you implement this change?

Method 2: Pay Attention to Language

  • What language and words are you using during instruction and/or as you support small groups or individuals with learning activities?
  • What do students say that helps you know they understand or don’t understand the concept being taught?
  • Who did most of the talking during the lesson?
  • What questions elicited the most discussion?
  • How might you have phrased this question differently?
  • Where did students seem more confident in their learning? What evidence can you use from the script to support this?
  • Where did students seem less confident in their learning? What evidence can you use from the script to support this?

Method 3: Imagine/Recommend Different Approaches

  • Where could you have made a different decision about the next right instructional step?
  • Jpw might you have approached this situation differently? Brainstorm multiple strategies.
  • Is there another lens through which you can view the video that may help you identify different teaching practices to try?
  • What is your plan for incorporating one or some of the carried practices we identified into your teaching in the future?
  • What do you predict will happen with this student or class if you try this new method?

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