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August 19, 2021

Back to School Starter Packs

Editor’s Note: We’ve updated our Back to School Starter Packs for this school year. Download our newly revised Packs today!

Gearing up for the first day of school can be a daunting task.

It takes vision, organization, and usually a few tried-and-true resources. Luckily, Teaching Channel is here to help. Whether you’re a veteran teacher or brand new to the profession, you’ll find something valuable in our downloadable Back To School Starter Packs for ElementaryMiddle, and High School. Each starter pack includes a set of checklists and related resources that help you in the areas you need to consider most at the start of the year: Classroom SetupLesson and Unit PlanningClass Culture, and Self-Care.

Print out the checklists to help you stay organized and make sure you’re where you need to be. We’ve put together a wonderful set of resources for you to check out with useful tips and ideas. Have a great start with your students and school community, and come back to Teaching Channel throughout the year for more high-quality videos, blog posts about practice, and Deep Dives into critical areas of instruction.

Elementary (K-5)Middle School (6-8)High School (9-12)
(Open Link in new tab) (Open Link in new tab) (Open Link in new tab) 
These checklists and the resources behind them will help any K-5 teacher get off to a great start this year. From desk placement to decor, we’ve got you covered. From what to keep in your desk drawer (extra deodorant, anyone?) to how to arrange your room for better flow, 6-8 teachers will find what they need to start the year right. Click the image below to download the PDF.A great start can lead to a great high school year. So use our Starter Pack checklists to make a smooth transition for yourself and your grades 9-12 students. Click the image below to download the PDF.
Download K-5 PDFDownload 5-8 PDFDownload 9-12 PDF

How’s it going? See how you’re doing with our handy mid-year check-in.

Whether you began the year with Teaching Channel’s Back to School Starter Packs or not, now is a good time to assess how things are going. Does your classroom space work for you and your students? Are you happy with the class culture you’ve built so far? Are you taking time to care for yourself? Do you need an overall reboot?

Mid-Year Check-InPrint out our handy Mid-Year Check-In and use it to do a little self-reflection. The check-in asks you to review all of the items from the Back to School Start Packs. It also gives you new resources from Teaching Channel to keep you inspired. You can use this mid-year check-in alone, or as a companion to one of the starter packs below. No matter how you use it, we hope it helps you to take time to reflect and plan for an amazing second half of the school year.

You made it! Before you lock your classroom door for the summer, take a moment to reflect.

Maybe you started the year with our Back to School Checklist. Maybe you didn’t. No matter what, we’re glad you’re here!

End of Year Check-inDownload and print out our End of Year Reflection. Use it to think about how your year went in the key areas of Classroom Setup, Lesson and Unit Planning, Class Culture, and Self-Care. Then, get a quick head start on next school year’s to-do list. You’ll be so glad you did come when school starts again.

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