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July 29, 2022

10 Must-See Teacher Videos to Make You Smile

Sometimes, the world gets a bit heavy, even while you are (hopefully) enjoying a well-deserved break. We’ve selected 10 videos — inspiration, teacher humor (If you know, you know/iykyk), and some hard truths — to make you laugh, smile, and think. Enjoy! 😊

  1. Professional Development Fun:
  1. Those times you catch yourself saying something you’d never say to an adult:
  1. Oh, Target. Teachers can’t quit you.
  1. Important bathroom etiquette for staff members- consider it a refresher.
  1. Some teachers have access to an amazing slate of technology resources, and some…do not.
  1. This level of drive and enthusiasm is contagious! 
  1. Each student needs a champion:
  1. And sometimes that champion is a mermaid: 
  1. Sometimes you need a friend to remind you how extraordinary you are. 
  1. And finally…your students need you. The world needs you. Here’s proof of your superpowers: Enjoy the summer, and remember to take good care of yourself!


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