Case Studies

Preparing Preservice Teachers for the Classroom
Liberty University has successfully launched hundreds of graduates into careers in education by reducing challenges associated with student-teacher placement for online students by using Teaching Channel’s Empower Platform.

Using Video to Improve Teacher Retention and Recruitment
By utilizing Teaching Channel's EMPOWER Platform in her professional development program, superintendent, Dr. Kandace Bethea has raised her teacher retention rate for Marion County Public Schools.

Provide Immediate & Targeted Feedback for Teachers
Teaching Channel's EMPOWER Platform has provided an opportunity for the teachers of Gainesville ISD to receive personal feedback through video-based instructional coaching.

Video Coaching Helped Turn Around an Underperforming District
Teaching Channel supported Jackson Public Schools with the EMPOWER Platform as they moved from being on the cusp of being state-run to creating a culture of growth and support for educators.

Using Video for Instructional Coaching to Evaluation
Leadership at MSD Decatur Township gave teachers ownership over the instructional coaching and evaluation processes by utilizing video and the EMPOWER Platform.

Support New Teachers Through Video and the EMPOWER Platform
"We empower our teachers with the freedom to record their lessons, self-reflect, and share their favorite clips. This has especially helped our new teachers take ownership over their growth." - Quiana Fields