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May 8, 2018

Thank You to Teachers

Thank you to Community Builders, Passion and Purpose Providers, Compassion Deliverers
(a.k.a. Teachers)

I’m sure you remember the feeling of walking into your classroom for your very first day as a teacher. You were filled with anticipation, excitement and most likely a big dose of being absolutely terrified. I walked through the doors of the Learners Edge office for the first time just a few short months ago and I too was filled with anticipation, excitement, and only a slight feeling of nervousness…I’ve come to learn that adults are much easier than kids!

As I started my tenure at Learners Edge, the one thing that really struck me was the unique culture that permeated this office. My colleagues were warm, welcoming, helpful, fun, energetic, compassionate, and hard-working. I have worked in many organizations that are cut-throat, boastful, and self-serving; but Learners Edge is different. I assumed it may be “Minnesota Nice” in its truest form, but as time has passed, I believe it’s not just Minnesota Nice, but those positive qualities are what make up the heart and soul of teachers.

The majority of the people at Learners Edge are from the field of education, they are former teachers, former school administrators, or simply people who care deeply about education. Within these four walls, these passionate people have built a unique community that has spirit, compassion, and the desire to do their best work every day. Just like teachers.

I am a father of four and I have seen the power that teachers have had upon my children and my community. When I was young, schools were a bit more rote. Desks were in straight lines, teachers were all-knowing and students were there to be filled-up as teachers pontificated their deep-seeded knowledge. I’ve come to see and learn that the expectations placed upon teachers have changed. Today, it is so much more.

  • Teachers are expected to build a caring and compassionate community that makes all students feel welcomed, included, and hold the belief that they are able to succeed.
  • Teachers are expected to help children learn how to work together, how to be kind, how to lead, how to compromise.
  • Teachers are expected to construct brains so children understand how to think critically, how to make smart decisions, how to listen.
  • Teachers are expected to instill a passion and a purpose in their students for future success.

No longer is a teacher’s role to simply share their subject matter expertise—a teacher’s role has become building a community, building a safety net, building an environment where children feel comfortable in taking risks knowing that they won’t fall too far.

As a parent, I am grateful and awestruck of how you do it day in and day out. When you have put your 40th band-aid on a child’s scraped knee…you still show compassion. When your 100th student has lost their first tooth…you still show genuine excitement because you understand how important that “first” is to them. When children come home and share with their parents their new-found knowledge about dark matter, their newly mastered calculus problem, or the intricacies of African drumming—speaking from personal experience, I am amazed that you have instilled excitement in an area in which I can’t even understand.

You help form these beautiful humans into courageous and curious adults. You are no longer simply providing knowledge, you are building community. We could not do it without teachers. You are the extra heart, the sustaining support, the consistency that children crave. Parents, the community, and the world could not do it without you.

Teacher Appreciation Week should be every week – but this week, we want to publicly state our gratitude and how lucky we at Learners Edge feel to be on this journey with you!

Thank you, teachers, for all that you do.

Eric Cohen, CEO
Learners Edge


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