hyperdocs!On the outside aHyperdoclooks like just a colorful Google doc with links, but when you dig in deeper you’ll find a research-based digital lesson with interactive elements tailored to each student.
This new way of packaging lessons created by teachers LisaHighfill, Sarah Landis and Kelly Hilton, will blow that outdated pile of worksheets right into the trash.Hyperdocsencourage exploration, creation and application of learning. Instead of traditional teacher-directed lessons, students are able to move through the lesson at their own pace allowing the teacher freedom to instruct small groups or provide individual support.
As many districts adopt a more personalized learning approach, they’re not only acknowledging the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, and cultural backgrounds of individual students, but making these a priority.Hyperdocsgivestudents the opportunityto:
- Have ownership of their learning process.Hyperdocsprovide choice in pathways to learning. Students can make decisions about how and what they learn based on personal needs and preferences.
- Focus on the learning process rather than “big end-of-year tests.”Checkpoints built into thehyperdocgive students a chance to gather feedback from classmates and teachers. Discussion threads, self-grading quizzes and reflection opportunities provide great formative assessment data for teachers.
- Demonstrate mastery of learning targets.Students take an active role in demonstrating competency in their learning goals.Hyperdocscreate a visual progression towards individual mastery of standards and goals.
- Learn anytime, anywhere.All of the learning is packaged in one easy to find place and can be accessed anytime on multiple devices.
Ready to get started creating your ownHyperdoc?
Here are some steps to guide you:
- Consider a lesson or unit you’d like to enhance.
- What are the objectives?
- What are the time constraints? How long will students have to complete their work?
- Decide on a learning model (Samples)
- 5E’s Instructional Model– Explore, Explain, Apply Model
- HyperdocsModel
- Workshop Model
- Pick yourpackagingor framework
- Docs
- Slides
- Sites
- Maps
- Gameboard
- Determine your workflow
- How will your students access thehyperdoc? Google Classroom? Seesaw?
- How will you collect their work?
- Jazz it up with elements of design
- Colors
- Fonts
- Images
- Interactive elements(Greatcurated listbyLaura Moore)
- Tables
- Multiple pages
For a great list of tips to make your firstHyperdoca success,downloadourHyperdocHelp Sheet. We’ll share some time-saving tips for creation, collaboration, implementation and evaluation.
According to teacher creatorsHighfill(@lhighfill), Hilton (@kellyihilton) and Landis (@sarahlandis),“HyperDocshave the potential to shift the way you instruct with technology. It’s not about teaching technology, it’s about using the technology to TEACH.”
Below is a list of resources to learn more aboutHyperdocs:
- Book:HyperDoc Handbook: Digital Lesson Design
- Website:https://hyperdocs.co/
- Video Series:Hyperdoc Hangouts On Air
- HyperdocSwap:Teachers Give Teachers