Is Your Student’s IEP Built on Solid Ground?
The Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) is a critical component of any Individualized Education Program (IEP). It’s essentially a guide to a student’s unique learning journey, highlighting their amazing strengths, and the challenges they face along the way.
PLAAFPs help everyone understand the student better, to create the best possible learning path for them. With an accurate and comprehensive description of the student’s present levels, the PLAAFP sets the stage for a successful and impactful IEP! We’ve created this downloadable checklist to help with some of the needed details. Keep it handy for your reference!
Betsy Butler (she/her) is a Professional Learning Specialist at Teaching Channel. She holds a B.A. in English, a Master’s in Education, and has been teaching since 1992. Betsy uses her three decades of teaching experience to write and revise our courses while selecting the perfect accompanying texts. Her specialty areas include ELA, special education topics, behavior management, and mental health.
Fun Fact: Betsy’s daily conquest is solving the New York Times crossword puzzle!