Fremont School District Substitute Teachers
In an effort to recruit qualified substitute teachers and provide a substitute training certificate to paraprofessionals, Fremont County School District #25 has designed the following plan:
All substitute teacher candidates will create an application with Fremont County SD #25, and submit fingerprint cards and payment to start the process. A flowchart, packet of documents, and checklist will be provided regarding items to be completed simultaneously by the sub candidate for both District and PTSB purposes.
Substitute candidates that do not have the 60 hours of post secondary education must participate in the following training.
Substitute Teacher Training offered by Fremont County SD #25
Substitute Training offered by Fremont County SD #25 through Teaching Channel
If you have recently completed the EQUIP Substitute Teacher Course, we want your feedback. Please complete this quick survey.
Getting Started is Easy as 1, 2, 3
This ten-hour professional development course aims to provide the information, resources, and skills substitute teachers need to answer the call. Filled with downloadable tools, the course also includes information on the role and responsibilities of a substitute teacher. Participants will learn mindsets like professionalism, flexibility, and understanding which are key to substitute success.
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If you have recently completed the EQUIP Substitute Teacher Course, we want your feedback. Please complete this quick survey.
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